Tuesday, 12 November 2013

' I was blind, but now I see '

Our skin is our largest Organ and one that most of us majorly take for granted. It's exposed to the elements and if that wasn't bad enough we start slapping on the fake tan and 'expensive' skin care products that are probably doing our skin no good. I have definitely been naive when it has come to buying skin care products but as Bradley Cooper said in limitless 'I was blind, but now I see'. (I could have quoted this from many sources I chose Bradley as he's in my top 10)

Simple is not so Simple people.

Organic Natural skincare is the way forward. We need to start looking after our poor ever suffering skin. 

I've heard amazing things about Weleda but there is only a tiny range at my local boots and I'm very impatient when I get a bee in my bonnet so I needed another organic alternative.

Boots Botanics do an organic range. The range gives a percentage of how organic the product is. Unfortunately most products have to contain some sort of preservative.There are no truly effective all-natural preservatives, so that's why not all the products are 100% organic.

Botanics organic range is formulated without parabens, and is not tested on animals.

I'm not saying I'm going to be 100% organic just like that, it's going to take a bit of time and research to change stuff over. It tends to be a little bit more expensive but I think it's worth it. I will definately look at products differently from now on when I pick them up of the shelf.

So here is my new skin care regime. I used to always use makeup wipes, because they are quick and easy but they were just drying out my skin and probably making it look worse.

I like to have a face wash I don't feel clean with a cream cleanser. So far I LOVE the hot cloth cleansing balm, it feels really nice on the skin, it doesn't sting or feel itchy, and after using the hot cloth my skin feels mega clean. I have been using this morning and night.

I then spritz my face and neck with the rose water toning spray and wipe over my face with a cotton pad to check for any makeup that still might be lingering. 

I have been using the hydrating day cream morning and night too, I thought I'd try a few of the products to see how I got on before buying the whole range. It's quite thick so at first I didn't think I was going to like it, as I have an oily skin. It's actually really nice, it 
soaks into the skin really nice, and my makeup goes over the top lovely.

I have had a bad couple of weeks with my skin, and so far it seems to be getting better with these products, I'm going to take a few pictures over the next month to see if there are any definite improvements.

My skin before and after makeup.

I'm going to finish my post with a few ingredients you should watch out for, out of curiosity I checked the back of my simple cream cleanser to see if it contained any of these ingredients and it did. Like i said Simple is NOT so Simple after all.

Mineral oil aka paraffin, parraffin wax and petrolatum.

Mineral oil aggravates acne and causes the skin to age prematurely. It provides no nutrients and actually seals off the skin preventing it from breathing.

Alcohols aka ethanol, ethyl, methanol, benzyl and isoprpyl

Alcohols can really dry the skin out and rid the skin of vitamin A.

Parabens- artificial chemicals used as preservatives 

Parabens have been found in breast cancer tumors. They have also displayed the ability to mimic estrogen. The estrogen mimicking aspect of parabens may be contributing to girls going through puberty alot earlier than we used to.

Sorry for all the big words.

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